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We collaborated with Vanaja Collective and hosted our first 'Vettaths Talks' on 17.03.22.
We chose to have an informal setting for the event, and it worked out well as everybody spoke about their experiances with regard to hierarchal oppression in Caste, Gender and Sexuality. The night compèred serious awareness about Anti-Caste movements, LGBTQAI+ and Intersectional Feminism. 
Gargi and Sulfath,  our speakers for the night were impeccable in conveying their message about oppressive elements and their effect on society as a whole.
The discussion thus followed, was warm, patient and expressive. 

We are excited to host more 'Vettaths Talks' in the months to come.
We are open for collaborations and warmly invite you to contact us with your ideas!  
Stay tuned on our Instagram and Website for regular updates about our upcoming events. 

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